So You Want to Be a Special Education Teacher

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Hold On, You’re In for a Wild (but Rewarding) Ride!

Award Winning Book

As a teacher, Jim Yerman has “lived with autism” for over thirty years. In many ways, his students have become part of his family. And, as with a family, he has learned to laugh and find humor in the absurdity of everyday situations, for they certainly exist! This book chronicles some of those situations. Most of them are humorous, some are sad, and a few are downright surreal. But they’re all real, refreshing, and honest experiences about autism.


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So You Want To Be a Special Education Teacher: Hold on, you’re in for a wild (but rewarding) ride!

Author(s): Jim Yerman

Award Winning Book

As a teacher, Jim Yerman has “lived with autism” for over thirty years. In many ways, his students have become part of his family. And, as with a family, he has learned to laugh and find humor in the absurdity of everyday situations, for they certainly exist! This book chronicles some of those situations. Most of them are humorous, some are sad, and a few are downright surreal. But they’re all real, refreshing, and honest experiences about autism. Each student and each story has important lessons infused. Ride through Jim’s teaching history from Ohio to Florida, from working in an integrated university school, into a center for only special-needs students and back to a regular middle and high school. You’re in for a wild ride!

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