Written by Brenda Smith Myles PhD, Diane Adreon, Dena Gitlitz
Children and youth with autism and related exceptionalities have great potential. However, all too often their abilities are not realized. Simple Strategies That Work! provides easy-to-implement ideas and suggestions that teachers can use to help a students with autism and related needs on the road to success. The book discusses how teachers can adjust the classroom to meet the needs of an individual with autism while not interfering with normal classroom routines. Not boggled down with jargon, this book includes tables and boxes for quick reference and clear meaning for autism-related information. Also included is information about what can cause anxiety for the student on the spectrum, how this can lead to decreased academic and social performance, decreased attention to task, and potential increases in behavior problems, and what the teacher can do to assist. With easy-to-implement suggestions, these simple strategies help all kids learn and make a difference in the life of somebody with high-functioning autism.
Written by Brenda Smith Myles PhD, Diane Adreon, Dena Gitlitz
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