S.T.A.R.S. 2: Relationship Building and Sexual Awareness for Kids with Autism

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Educate school age children and build their self-esteem so they can make informed choices!

STARS 2 is an adapted version of the original STARS guidebook that is focused on school-aged children. The STARS 2 model concentrates on four areas: Understanding Relationships, Social Skills Training, Sexual Awareness, and Assertiveness with the goals of promoting positive sexuality and preventing sexual abuse. Assessment tools help identify the strengths and needs of each individual, and then the activities can be catered to address specific needs.


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S.T.A.R.S. 2: Relationship Building and Sexual Awareness for Kids with Autism

Author(s): Susan Heighway, Susan Webster

Educate young adults and build their self-esteem so they can make informed choices!

STARS 2 is an adapted version of the original STARS guidebook that is focused of school-aged children. The STARS 2 model concentrates on four areas: Understanding Relationships, Social Skills Training, Sexual Awareness, and Assertiveness with the goals of promoting positive sexuality and preventing sexual abuse. Assessment tools help identify the strengths and needs of each individual, and then the activities can be catered to address specific needs.


Section 1: Introduction

How to Use This Book
Why Sexuality Education?
Misbeliefs and Facts about Sexuality and Youth with Developmental Disabilities

Section 2: STARS 2 Model

Content Areas and Goals
Assessing the Needs of the Child, or “Figuring Out What to Teach”
Guidelines for Parents and Support Providers
Guidelines for Training

Section 3: Understanding Relationships

Section 4: Social Interaction

Format: Paperback
Page Count: 188


Susan M. Heighway, MSW, PNP-BC, APNP, completed her education at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and is a certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Madison.

Susan Kidd Webster, MSSW, ISW, is a Senior Lecturer and Field Faculty Associate at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.



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