Quest Program I Social Skills Curriculum for Elementary School Students with Autism


Social Skills Curriculum for Elementary School Students with Autism

The QUEST Program I was developed to address the needs of elementary students with social skills and pragmatic language weaknesses.

Because these children benefit from regular instruction and practice, the program uses an intensive proactive approach to teach social skills by combining written instruction with games, experiential stories, and role play, which results in discussion, friendly feedback from peers, and real-world experience. Even when provided with an inclusive education in a general education setting, these students do not typically interpret social cues, nuances and rules of interaction in the same way as their peers, which is the reason the program maximizes generalization of skills both in and outside the classroom.

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Quest Program I Social Skills Curriculum for Elementary School Students with Autism

Author(s): JoEllen Cumpata, Susan Fell

The QUEST Program I was developed to address the needs of elementary students with social skills and pragmatic language weaknesses.

Because these children benefit from regular instruction and practice, the program uses an intensive proactive approach to teach social skills by combining written instruction with games, experiential stories, and role play, which results in discussion, friendly feedback from peers, and real-world experience. Even when provided with an inclusive education in a general education setting, these students do not typically interpret social cues, nuances and rules of interaction in the same way as their peers, which is the reason the program maximizes generalization of skills both in and outside the classroom.

The goals of the program are to help students gain a better understanding of human behavior and interaction and to provide opportunities to become familiar and comfortable with the social skills and pragmatic language necessary to be successful at school and in the community.

Binding: Paperback
Pages: 300


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