Just Take a Bite

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Easy, Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges! 

Award Winning Book:  Winner of an iParenting Media Award 

Foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin

“Just Take a Bite” takes parents and professionals step by step through he myths about eating to the complexity of eating itself, which leads to an understanding of physical, neurological and/or psychological reason why children may not be eating as they should.


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Just Take A Bite: Easy, Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges

Author(s): Lori Ernsperger, Tania Stegen-Hanson

Award Winning Book:  Winner of an iParenting Media Award

Foreword by Dr. Temple Grandin

Is your child a picky eater, or a full-fledged resistant eater? Does he or she eat only 3-20 foods, refusing all others, eat from only one food group, or gag, tantrum, or become anxious if you introduce new foods? If so, you have a resistant eater. Learn the possible causes, when you need professional help, and how to deal with the behavior at home. Learn why “don’t play with your food” and “clean your plate”—along with many other old saws—are just plain wrong. And who said you have to eat dessert last? Get ready to have some stereotypes shattered!

Helpful chapters include:

  • Who Are Resistant eaters?
  • Oral-Motor Development
  • Environmental and Behavioral Factors Contributing to Problems with Eating
  • Designing and Implementing a Comprehensive Treatment Plan
  • Stages of Sensory Development for Eating
  • A Recipe for Success
  • And more!

Binding: Paperback
Pages: 252

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