How Do I Teach This Kid to READ? Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Children with Autism


Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Children with Autism, from Phonics to Fluency

Award Winning Book:  Writer’s Notes Book Awards, First Runner-Up

This book utilizes the strengths of children with ASD to help them develop new skills. Tasks are visually oriented and consistent, and expectations are clear. Children learn motor, matching, sorting, reading, writing, and math skills using easy-to-make “task boxes.”

Tasks include pushing items through small openings (children love the “resistance” it takes to push them through), matching simple, identical pictures or words, sorting objects by color, size, or shape, and more!

Ideas are plentiful, materials colorful, and children love the repetitive nature of the “tasks,” which help them learn to work independently! Sample data sheets are included. Best of all, this book comes with a FREE CD of printable, visual tools…

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How Do I Teach This Kid to READ? Teaching Literacy Skills to Young Children with Autism

Author(s): Kimberly Henry

Award Winning Book:  Writer’s Notes Book Awards, First Runner-Up

Reading is so much more than reciting words on a page!

Reading provides personal enjoyment, access to information, and opens doors to opportunities throughout life, both recreational and occupational. Reading helps us grow and vicariously experience things we are curious about, and dream about.

But for many young children with autism, reading is often a factual memorization of letters and words. The playful, imaginative qualities of reading may be missed in favor of the repetitive, predictable alphabet and visual appearance of words on a page.

This book presents simple instructional strategies that can be used to help develop early literacy skills in young children with autism. Award-winning author Kimberly Henry provides dozens of fine-tuned, easily adaptable activities that teachers and parents can implement separately or in infinite combinations. Included are units on phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Kim also lists numerous other resources you can use to supplement the lessons.

Best of all, this book comes with a FREE CD of printable, visual tools, such as:

  • ABC Books
  • Text-Picture Matches
  • Songs, Chants, and Poems
  • Word Webs
  • Visual Organizers
  • Sentence Builders
  • Graphics for Games
  • And many more!

Binding: Paperback
Pages: 97

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