Dating While Autistic: Cut Through the Social Quagmire and Find Your Person


Dating is stressful, isn’t it? If you’re autistic, the thought of trying to meet someone new can feel exhausting.

Could you use a dating coach, but in book form? Then you’ve come to the right place.

This book takes you from first date to friendship to love. You’ll find “Bad Idea/Better Idea” tips for what to avoid, and what to try instead. “A Couple of Singles” follows two fictional autistic characters, Bill and Trish, on their quest for love. “Ask Yourself” offers opportunities to reflect on what’s important to you.

Finally, “Actually Autistic Love Stories” bring first-hand knowledge from neurodivergent couples who are already living the dream.

If you want down-to-earth guidance on how to navigate dating and relationships, you’ve come to the right place. This book is for you.

This book is part of the Adulting while Autistic series.

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Dating While Autistic: Cut Through the Social Quagmire and Find Your Person  

by author Wendela Whitcomb Marsh


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