Autism: Parent to Parent



Your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and you are feeling overwhelmed and alone. Suddenly you need to become an expert in treatment, diet, language development, social skills, special education law, insurance and a million other things! What you’d really like to know is how to deal with Aunt Martha’s questions at the family reunion!

Autism: Parent to Parent is your guide to all of this and more. Veteran parent Shannon Penrod hosts Autism Live, the #1 rated Autism Podcast worldwide, now she is giving you all her best resources, strategies, tips and information to help you and your child survive and thrive. Autism: Parent to Parent covers everything you need to know such as:

  • What do you say to pushy relatives?
  • How do you get the best treatment options?
  • How do you deal with school?
  • Most importantly, how do you deal with all the emotions that come with day-to-day life?

Ms. Penrod covers all a parent of an individual with ASD needs to know, with honesty, humor and humility while empowering you to rise to meet all the challenges and triumphs on your journey.

This book is available in the following formats from other retailers:




Autism: Parent to Parent Sanity-Saving Advice for Every Parent with a Child on the Autism Spectrum

Author: Shannon Penrod

Foreword by Doreen Granpeesheh


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