Autism: After the Pandemic: A Step by Step Guide to Successfully Transition Back to School and Work


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How do we help those with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities and those on the autism spectrum return to school or adult services after COVID-19?

It has been a long haul at home! Both the children and the adults are used to the home environment and routines. Some students have been out of their school/adult program for months. It is now time to go back to the new normal school/work routine, but what does that “normal” mean? Schedules are different, structure is not the same and learning has been interrupted, yet hopefully maintained. How do parents prepare their child to transition back to school? How do we get started?

This workbook gives you strategies for you to put in place prior to your child going back to school or to their adult services placement. Each strategy is explored in-depth with examples to follow so that you and your child are prepared for a successful returning to school or program.

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Autism: After the Pandemic: A Step by Step Guide to Successfully Transition Back to School and Work

Author(s): James Ball,  Kristie Lofland


This workbook gives you strategies for you to put in place prior to your child going back to school or to their adult services placement. Each strategy is explored in depth with examples to follow so that you and your child are prepared for a successful returning to school or program.

Binding: Paperback


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