How Do I Transfer the Mobi File to Kindle
How to transfer your eBook to the Kindle:
.MOBI File Download Instructions
If you purchase an eBook from Future Horizons in the past, and it is a .mobi file format, you can easily hook up the Kindle to your computer using a USB cable or via email.
To add a Future Horizons Mobipocket (“.mobi”) eBook to your Kindle:
- Turn your Kindle on
- Connect the Kindle to your computer using the USB cable that came with your Kindle
- Drag and drop the “.mobi” Ebook file into the documents folder on your Kindle
- When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, “Safely Remove Mass Storage Device (Windows) or “Eject” (Mac) the Kindle from your computer.
Scroll down for remaining step #5 in the instructions for this device and others…
Special Announcement
Helpful Resources: Do you know someone with Autism?
On April 26, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. This surveillance study identified 1 in 59 children (1 in 37 boys and 1 in 151 girls) as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
- Spread a little hope! Dr. Temple Grandin has served as inspiration and role model to hundreds of thousands of families and persons with autism. HBO created an award-winning film of her life!
Learn about Dr. Temple Grandin, the most famous person in the world with Autism. - Check out some of our Award Winning Children’s Books – designed for children both typical and diagnosed with Autism.
- Teach your children how to be kind to others diagnosed with Autism, in this great book called, My Friend With Autism: an Award Winning Book for Teachers, Family and Individuals on the Spectrum
- Thanks for Stopping By!
How Do I Transfer the Mobi File to Kindle (continued)
5. When the USB activity indicator on your Kindle stops flashing, unplug the USB cable from your Kindle
6. Your newly purchased title/eBook from any publisher should now appear in your Kindle library.
*For more on transferring files via USB or via the Kindle’s email service see sections 8.2 and 8.3 of your Kindle User’s Guide.
Loading a Mobipocket eBook to Kindle Fire:
To add a Future Horizon’s eBook Mobipocket (“.mobi”) file to your Kindle Fire:
- Turn your Kindle on.
- Connect the Kindle to your computer with a USB Cable (note that the Kindle Fire does not ship with a cable so you will need to supply your own).
- Your Kindle screen will now say, “You can now transfer files from your computer to Kindle”
- On your computer, the Kindle’s hard drive should be mounted and displayed as “KINDLE”
- Drag and drop the “.mobi” eBook file into either the “Books” or “Documents” folder on your Kindle
- Dismount the Kindle from your computer: choose “Safely Remove Mass Storage Device” (Windows) or “Eject” (Mac)
- Your books will show up in the Docs section of your Kindle Fire, as well as in the carousel.
Using the Mobipocket eBook with other devices:
Each tablet/manufacturer transfer process differs slightly, so always check your user manual for your tablet device to familiarize yourself with the procedure.
Kindle users can also go to Amazon for a variety of instructions on transferring non-Amazon content to their Kindle Tablets.
Enjoy your eBook!